Creamy Skies, High Summer Milwaukee

At dusk Thursday, a miraculous scene accumulated in Milwaukee's corner of our Earth's atmosphere. It rained on one side of the street and not the other. Ten distinct clouds types formed simultaneously, as varying levels of pressure agitated water molecules aided by thermal fluctuations from the heat of light. A sight to behold, each cardinal... Continue Reading →

Art Closing New Year, Taryn Simon

At the Milwaukee Art Museum, an intense collection of photographs that bring to life still images contained in Taryn Simon's three major book releases hangs quietly. An absolute gem and highly recommended to photographers Taryn Simon: Photographs and Texts closes tomorrow on New Year's Day, luckily the Milwaukee Art Museum is open all weekend. In... Continue Reading →

Vision Noir, Ryan Laessig, Milwaukee Alt

At The Hide House, the Milwaukee Art Beat street fair played silence between sets anticipating Fever Marlene . An old warehouse towered over everyone. Deep in the background next to the parking lot where mini-festivities took place, a few canopies stood on the lawn. The clothes rack I spotted could have been holding old towels,... Continue Reading →

Her View, Sara Ede: La Pajarita Frenetica

Milwaukee native and splashing photographer Sara Ede has long given up her residence here. She's better suited to enjoy international adventures anyway (while propagating Milwaukee-ness without ever saying it). Armed with her trusty DSLR, Ede started eagerly documenting her traipse across the four corners of the world. If you have as much fun as she... Continue Reading →

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