Deep Sweat, Alchemist Theatre, King of Pop

His contemporaries left silhouettes of incenerated ashes, others have more recently been unearthed long after their heyday, for years burried under piles bullshit they inundated each other with. He immortalized himself, a self-sculpted bronze statue still standing. Andy Warhol the central figure of the New Wave Pop Art movement did not plan to die; loath... Continue Reading →

Carnal Beat, Alchemist Theatre, Another Tale of Eddie

Without actually smelling it, the stench of stale beer permeated Eddie's crap-hole apartment. Petty thieves, smart alec jerks, low-life amateur cons, and shape-shifters, litter the neighborhood that starts when you enter the Alchemist Theatre. It's dingy. It's plastered with aerosol tags and shitty band posters, were you just there or are you here? The Bowery... Continue Reading →

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